Westside is blessed with many musicians. We have a talented music director, plus other talented pianists, drummers, and two trumpet players. 

During the pandemic, our wonderful musicians have recorded hundreds of hymns for our use on Sunday morning.  That enhanced our many months of Zoom only worship.  For special services [Christmas Eve, Holy Week], many singers and musicians were recorded to create beautiful videos which we watched together on Zoom.

Now we are back in the sanctuary with "hybrid" worship services - some joining in from home through Zoom, and some in the sanctuary.  We still enjoy our wonderful soloists, but we're waiting to resume our choir and our May concert.

Before the pandemic this was our music ministry: Our Westside choir included wonderful voices of all ages. We have a Contemporary Christian Music (CCM) group. The children of Westside took part in our Spring and Christmas musicals. These members often graced our Sanctuary with solos, duets and larger groups accompanied by our very own musicians.  Every May, our musicians of every age shared their talents in “Lift Up Your Voice” – a concert that we held with friends and neighbours like Northwest United Church.

We look forward to the day when we can resume the full range of our music ministry.